Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reno, Great Dogs, and Great Friends

I love a good road trip especially one that includes good friends and agility!! The agility club mdt puts on great one ring trials in a beautiful location at the University of Reno. Their July trial is a fundraiser for Canine Cancer called the Pepper/Sampson Memorial. Jordana and I went and ran in this trial a couple of years ago; I had so much fun I went back in September of that year and ran in the 3 day trial. I could not make it last year. This year I talked Anne in to coming with me!! Debbie also made the trip from Oregon to run at the trial.

I get to Reno via Willamette Pass through Klamath Falls, Susanville, and in to Reno. It is a nice scenic drive. It takes about 9 hours to get there with a couple of stops. Friday morning I picked Anne, Zelma, Zeta, and Ivy up and off we went. We stopped to potty dogs at this parking area along a canal; my girls went off for a little walk together but without me, they were very cute trotting side by side.
I know Kant was looking for a way in the canal, thank goodness she did not find one. We arrived at the University in plenty of time to set up our crating area before our 2 Touch’N’Go classes and it was only about 99 degrees but a dry heat. We ran the first class and were half way through the second one when a HUGE Thunderstorm BLEW in. Shade tents and tunnels were flying all over; the trial was stopped for the night and our already broken shade tent took a big hit. There was lightning all around us starting fires and it even rained huge rain drops. Both Kant and Echo got both their runs in before the storm and they each Q’d in one of their runs. Not a bad start after being in the car all day!!

Saturday morning it was blue sky and beautiful; it did get hot in the afternoon. Kant was running all 14 classes but Echo, who I had hoped would have gone in to heat already was only entered in 10 classes. Kant got both the Regulars on Saturday but did not get Chances or Jumpers and I scratched her from both of the Hoopers classes; I know I was hot and was sure she was and I wanted to save her for Jumpers. Echo got a Regular Q on Saturday and a Chances Q to finish her Superior Novice Chances. That was her last Novice Q needed to finish her Novice Triple Superior Award, Novice Superior Versatility Award, and All Around Award – Novice!!! Another thunderstorm blew in again after we were done for the day but not as bad as the evening before. Anne, Debbie, and I enjoyed a wonderful salad potluck in Debbie’s air conditioned RV. A great end to a great day!!! Also Anne’s foster formally known as Ivy found the perfect forever home!
Sunday morning it was a bit cooler and we Oregonians loved the weather. Because it was a bit cooler, low 90s, I ran Kant in all 6 classes and she got both Regular Qs, getting all 4 over the weekend; Weavers and we had a great Tunnelers run but no Chances or Jumpers again today. Echo’s’ only Q out of 4 classes was a beautiful Jumpers run; one of the best we have ever had. We had great pieces in the other runs but just could not put it together. We were having a great Regular run and I went and put a front cross in when I had not planned it and put Echo beautifully over an off-course jump. We are definitely going home with some things to work on.

My poor, won in a raffle shade tent kept us covered for the weekend but only because of duct tape and bungees hooking it to the fence and it stayed in Reno!!
We were packed up and ready to head half way home Sunday afternoon as soon as we were done running. After Good byes and Thank yous we were on the way to Klamath Falls for the night.
When we were on the way to Reno I was telling Anne about the Shoe Tree and just as we were passing it I got a text from Tammy to take a picture of the Shoe Tree so of course we had to stop and take pictures.
I had Anne take a picture of me with the tree for Tammy and Anne said aren’t you getting the dogs out, you always take pictures of the dogs so here they are…
The Shoe Tree – why is it there? I have no idea but next time by I am going to have to add a pair of shoes.
We stopped at a state park to let the dogs out and there was a creek that Kant could get to…
What a great weekend, great road trip, and a great friend!!!

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