Friday, August 5, 2011

Kennel and foster service

I felt like I had a revolving kennel door; I had my parent’s Cocker Spaniel, Charlie, for a week while they were in Alaska. And the morning Charlie left I got OZ in the evening for a week. Neither of them are any trouble and they both fit right in. They have been at the house enough times that they know the routine.

My friend Anne that runs Border Creek Border Collie Rescue asked me to take Louie to be neutered and keep him while he healed. He was not a problem for an eight month old puppy and took to crate rest very nicely.
While I had Louie I was also fostering 2 Malamute/Husky mixes that I got when they were 4 weeks old and I had them until they were 9 weeks old.
I called them Thing 1 and Thing 2 since they were not staying but mostly just called them “pup, pup, pup”. They were pretty small when I got them
and I could easily carry them both at the same time.
I enjoyed having them
and so did Louie while he was here.
He played so nicely with them and let them climb all over him.
My dogs just tried to ignore them hoping they were not staying.
They got huge in the 5 weeks I had them;
when they left they were bigger then Echo. It was so much fun watching them grow and learn but that last week they just got in trouble. They did great at Newport where we set up a huge x-pen that ended up housing them, Oakley, Odin, and one of Anne’s fosters, Ivy. Everyone got along great and it was fun to watch them all play.

A WAG member was at Newport competing and she had brought a friend for the weekend that does not do agility. The friend, Shari, fell in love with Thing 1 and ended up adopting her. She named her Grizleena. I did not expect to find a home for the puppies and then to find such a perfect home. I am so happy for Shari and Grizleena!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, it's a good job I didn't see them in person when you had them, one of them may have turned up missing when you looked for cute!!!!!
