Friday, September 11, 2009

Agility in Reno Nevada Labor Day Weekend

The dogs and I had such a great time in Nevada in July that I just had to go back for 4 days of agility. So Friday morning with the car all packed we took off as the sun was rising.
We had an easy drive to Reno; I went Hwy 58 through Klamath Falls, through California, and in to Nevada. Just past Susanville before the Nevada border there is a tree right along the highway with shoes hanging in it.
I do not know when this started but it sure caught on because
there are a bunch of shoes in the tree.

Kant and Echo started out Friday night very well. Kant finished her Open Superior Hoopers title which also gave her the All Around Open Award, now on to Elite Hoopers. Echo Q’d in both the Hoopers classes earning her Outstanding Novice Hoopers title. The Women’s Sports Complex at the University has the most beautiful grass area that we were running on.
The grounds keepers were a bit worried about not being able to water for 4 days so they water heavy Friday and the grass was WET. We did not have a great day on Saturday, Kant only earned Qs in Touch’N’Go and Weavers, and Echo got a 5 point Q in Regular and a Jumpers Q. Kant had a great day on Sunday Qing in Jumpers, Chances, 1 Regular, TNG, and Tunnelers. The Jumpers run gave Kant her Elite Jumpers title and Elite Versatility Award. Echo has decided to jump when I say it not at the obstacle causing some crash and burns. And in Tunnelers I took my eyes off her for a second and she was around the second tunnel and in the third before I could call her back but she did have some great moments in that Tunnelers run. So we did not have any Qs on Sunday but we did have great start line stays, excellent weave poles, and very good contacts. Monday Echo got another Regular Q in round 1 but could not get the dog walk/tunnel discrimination in round 2; we will keep working the discriminations. I am very happy where Echo and I are and we just keep getting better. On Monday Kant got another Regular Q and had the most amazing run in Chances for a Q. The Chances course had weave poles at 35 feet followed by a jump at 45 feet and Kant did it perfectly never looking back at me. We had not had a Chances Q since July 2008 so I was thrilled to get 2 this weekend!
Over all Kant was 10 Qs out of 18 runs and Echo got 5 Qs out of 12 runs; and they both only got 1st places in their runs so we either excelled or crashed and burned! Life with a fast dog!! It was a GREAT weekend spent with GREAT people, GREAT dogs, GREAT location, a GREAT judge, GREAT courses, and GREAT weather. Lin and Greg’s hospitality was way above and beyond; Thank You!!

With only 4 classes on Monday we were packed up and out of there by 2:30. After a quick stop for gas and something to drink we were headed home. I went home through Susanville to
Mt. Shasta so I could have more hotel options on I-5. We stopped in Medford for the night and I was back home by 11:30 Tuesday. I am already planning the trials I am going to in Nevada next year!!

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